The Battle for Milkquarious

That I had missed this from 2009, the thought of it tears at my loins.  My life’s path would have undoubtedly altered in one of many in an array of seemingly grand time lines in which I would have drank even more milk.  Of course, the thrill and rush in each timeline would have eventually come to a screeching end in which I would awake in a gutter, hopped up on the white nectar; some of which dripping from my face on which it had become scattered from a frantic race to funnel it into my mouth-hole.  So on second though, I guess I’m glad I didn’t discover this in 2009.


The Music of Drive

So I finally watched the movie “Drive”. While my expectations were certainly low, it blew me away. Film making styles from just about every generation are present in the film. Then there’s the music. I love it. I even went ahead and bought the soundtrack. My only complaint is that the order of the songs on the soundtrack needed to be intermingled a bit more. The songs are all lumped at the beginning and the scores are all at the end which I believe polarize the listening experience.